Monday 26 January 2015

Evaluation of Influences and Identity

As I have lived and studied in three countries. I am going to investigate the influences I have encountered so far for each country; Hong Kong, Nepal and the United Kingdom. To begin with, I planted 3 seeds to emphasis the three countries in which I have planted my presence. Only a couple of days later I checked my pot of seeds, and they had grown and pushed themselves upwards to the light. This led me to believe that my identity is like plant seeds, the first step on the land of each country meant I had planted my presence. Later on as I began to see the world around me, I was influenced from my surroundings that have and will help me grow & stretch out to my freedom. I have decided to present my influences using three aspects; calligraphy, signs and symbols with portraiture.
I believe that our Identity is influenced by self-beliefs, characteristics, qualities, thoughts, opinions and dominating emotions that makes an individual who they are. I have primarily experimented my Influences and my Identity with Portraiture and Calligraphy as the four of human senses are in our "head" and the other one I have illustrated with creative texts, using my "hand".
I went on a trip to Oxford with my College, and by the end of the day I was inspired by having the idea that I could use materials such as bamboo sticks as a means of writing.
I was charged with influences from the Oxford art galleries, I have used the materials which I was drawn to explore, to experiment with, from being in the presence of the gallery's atmosphere. I have combined the idea of portrait and texts which similar to “Calligram” but my own interpretation of identity, I call it “Identism”. 
Screen Prince has influenced me the most as I can relate to some of his art works created such as a Calligram on Jay-Z and one of his songs which I have heard before. Prince’s use of Calligram is also very effective which he uses to present respective Musician and their song lyrics reflecting the colours and theme to the song.
I found another artist named Zhan Haun after I had decided to practise and create Identism.
He uses texts on his face to represent his past and family tree of his own. Whereas he does this in his own physical face using ink.
I met Stan Kaminski in Birmingham when I went to visit the German market with my three siblings. As we were exploring the market, just as we crossed the border line of the German market and the usual Birmingham market I spotted Kaminski and his stall. First I took a glance at several of his works of art and praised him. Then he explained to me about his three colour technique. As soon as he mentioned “the three colours” I had this feeling that we had a strong connection for Art as I have been focusing on my “three” countries experiences.
I researched Kaminski on the internet and found his painting of Kenilworth Castle. Astonishingly, I had taken a photo in the same Castle way before I met Kaminski or even known of him. Later, I have constructed the composition of two images; me standing in the Castle and Kaminski’s landscape painting of the Castle to create a surreal image. I learnt that even if the two images aren't in the exact position or even of the same direction, with the intention to create, the colours and shapes of the two images will blend in together almost perfectly.
Kaminski has influenced me to keep a firm target for achieving a planned piece like he uses only 3 colours for his artwork, and as I have been focusing on my “three” countries influences, I will stick to it.
I have discarded a few artists along my journey as I could not engage with them to full extent with my Identism. They are Leo Sewell, Musicians; Mark Hoppus and Nelly.

My personal theme is Influences and Identity. At the very beginning, I was thinking of my theme “Influences and Changes” which, after a couple weeks exploring, I figured that I was interested in combining Portraiture and Calligraphy. Influences and Identity both plays a huge role to define Identity, this led me to develop the name of my theme to Influences and Identity although I have still clearly presented my Influences and Changes throughout my journey. 
I have encountered some problems along the road, as I had made a decision to present my Influences and Identity from three countries. I had to trace back my early years and dig into my influences from age 5. The main problem with finding my influences was that I had to ask my parents and my siblings and I haven’t lived with them throughout my stay in each country. I was in a different country from my siblings for two years and parents for three years. It seemed as a problem to never be solved. After two weeks of investigation I figured out a way to find my influences: Photographs! Even though it took me some time to investigate I enjoyed the process as I had full flashbacks of my past…
The seeds which I had planted during the second week of September has unfortunately died due to the lack of sunlight and right influence; temperature. The same day I planted a new seed and nurtured it and its influences, today in January the seed has stretched itself into 18cm long plant and growing, which happens to resonate with my 18th birthday month.
My experience of my journey has led me to simplify my influences in three sections as I have gathered the information from my investigation, I have produced an outcome that reflects my lifestyle for each country I have lived in so far.

I would like to improve:
Using more signs and symbols to create the piece more effective.
Experimenting more on sketchbook to have a great result on final pieces.
Producing on a several of different mediums for a presentable piece.

Targets I would like to achieve for my exam:
1. Effective use of computer software for presentable and valuable pieces.
2. Disciplined use of chosen mediums, techniques and referring to the starting point.
3. Operative use of colours to symbolise the pieces.

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